
S. R. Zhou Hall

簡介Introduction-- 格言Motto-- 堂歌Hall Song

周樹人堂 座立於香港浸會大學宿舍北座的李文正樓及匯豐銀行慈善基金學生宿舍。本堂成立於二零零二年,並以魯迅先生本名(周樹人)命名,發揚其「關懷社稷、尊重生命、知其不可為而為之」的精神。因此,周樹人堂致力鼓勵宿生們積極參與社會活動,對內有魯迅宴、高桌晚宴等活動; 對外有飢饉十小時、植樹日等活動。本堂格言為「跨越界限,關懷社稷」(Aide Sans Frontières),以貫徹魯迅先生“立人”、“獨立思考”、“拿來主義”和“韌性的堅守”的四大精神,鼓勵宿生勇於嘗試,關懷鄰人及社會。

S. R. Zhou Hall is located at G/F, North Tower, Student Residence Halls, 5 Baptist University Road, Kowloon Tong. It was founded in 2002 and named after Lu Xun’s given name, Zhou Shuren. We hope to promote the spirit of care for the society, respect and know the impossibilities yet persevere.Thus, we fully support our residents to be involved in the society. In the hall, we hold functions like Lu Xun Banquet and High Table Dinner. Outside the hall, we hold activities like 10 Hour Famine and Tree Planting Day. The motto of S. R. Zhou Hall is Aide Sans Frontières’. We want to implement the four spirits of Lu Xun, which are Li Ren, independent thinking, borrowlism and perseverance.

Aide Sans Frontières


「Sans Frontières」來自我們周樹人堂格言:「跨越界限」之法文譯本。二十世紀兩次災難性的世界大戰後,西歐各國明白要避免日後因國界劃分而引起的衝突,必須要消除各國的界限—— 但卻是要以互相合作而非戰爭去消除。

與此同時,在1971年,一班法國醫生成立一個義務醫療支援機構: 「Medecins Sans Frontières」。以「Sans Frontières」命名,反映了「歐盟」所倡議的跨越國界,打破界限之理念已在民間萌芽。

因此舍監唐創時先生和主任及一眾駐舍學長訂定了「跨越界限 關懷社稷」作為周樹人堂之格言後,所以就取用了「Sans Frontières」來表達格言之前半部。法文「aide」可解作「服務」,代表格言之後半部。這就是「Aide Sans Frontières」之來源了。

“Sans Frontières” comes from our motto, the French translation of crossing the boundaries. After two disastrous World Wars, Western European countries learnt to prevent conflicts provoked by dividing nation boundaries. Cooperation is emphasized instead of war.

At the same time, in 1971, a group of French doctors established “Medecins Sans Frontières”, a medical humanitarian organization providing medical support to those in need. The emphasis on the idea of cooperation from the European Union has been reflected in the name.

Therefore, Resident Master, Tong Chong Sze, together with the Resident Community Officer and Hall Tutors came up with “Aide Sans Frontières” as hall motto. The motto reminds residents to serve in need and work beyond the boundaries.


Hall Song

心相許 周HALL覓知音
OH Aide Sans Frontières
朝花種夕拾 他朝困擾隨夢去
五四的新知 衝擊舊框架
踏實背著箭 喊一句
立誓再吶喊 高峰低窪跨過
飾演狂人未作禍 他朝過後回望我敢幹